#!/usr/bin/perl # # $Id$ # # Copyright (c) 2008-2009 .SE (The Internet Infrastructure Foundation). # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE # GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER # IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN # IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # ************************************************************ # * # * This perl script generates zone files # * # ************************************************************ use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; ###################################################################### sub main { my $help = 0; my $zone_name; my $number_zones = 0; my $ttl = 3600; my $number_rr = 0; my $percent_ns = 0; my $number_ns = 0; my $percent_ds = 0; my $percent_a = 0; my $percent_aaaa = 0; my $output_path; my $add_to_ksm = 0; my $no_xml = 0; my $config_path; my $signer_output_path; my $ksm_policy; GetOptions( 'help|?' => \$help, 'zonename=s' => \$zone_name, 'nzones=i' => \$number_zones, 'ttl=i' => \$ttl, 'nrr=i' => \$number_rr, 'pns=i' => \$percent_ns, 'nns=i' => \$number_ns, 'pds=i' => \$percent_ds, 'pa=i' => \$percent_a, 'paaaa=i' => \$percent_aaaa, 'output=s' => \$output_path, 'addtoksm' => \$add_to_ksm, 'no-xml' => \$no_xml, 'config=s' => \$config_path, 'signeroutput=s' => \$signer_output_path, 'policy=s' => \$ksm_policy ) or pod2usage(1); pod2usage(1) if ($help); unless($zone_name) { print "Error: You must specify the name of the zone/zones.\n"; pod2usage(1); } if($number_zones <= 0) { print "Error: You must specify the number of zones to be generated.\n"; pod2usage(1); } if($ttl <= 0) { print "Error: You must specify the TTL for the RR.\n"; pod2usage(1); } if($number_rr <= 0) { print "Error: You must specify the number of RR to create per zone (not including zone apex).\n"; pod2usage(1); } if($percent_ns < 0 || $percent_ds < 0 || $percent_a < 0 || $percent_aaaa < 0) { print "Error: The number of percent must be between 0 and 100.\n"; pod2usage(1); } if($percent_ns > 100 || $percent_ds > 100 || $percent_a > 100 || $percent_aaaa > 100) { print "Error: The number of percent must be between 0 and 100.\n"; pod2usage(1); } if(($percent_ns + $percent_a + $percent_aaaa) == 0) { print "Error: You must specify a number greater than 0 for one of NS, A, and AAAA.\n"; pod2usage(1); } if($percent_ns > 0 && $number_ns <= 0) { print "Error: You must specify how many NS there should be in a NS RRset.\n"; pod2usage(1); } unless($output_path) { print "Error: You must specify a path where the zones will be stored.\n"; pod2usage(1); } unless(-d $output_path) { print "Error: The output path is not a directory.\n"; exit 1; } unless(-w $output_path) { print "Error: The output path is not writable.\n"; exit 1; } if($add_to_ksm) { unless($config_path) { print "Error: You must specify a path where communicated should output the signing configuration\n"; pod2usage(1); } unless(-d $config_path) { print "Error: The config path is not a directory.\n"; exit 1; } unless(-w $config_path) { print "Error: The config path is not writable.\n"; exit 1; } unless($signer_output_path) { print "Error: You must specify a path where the Signer Engine should save the signed zones.\n"; pod2usage(1); } unless(-d $signer_output_path) { print "Error: The signer output path is not a directory.\n"; exit 1; } if($output_path eq $signer_output_path) { print "Error: The signer output directory must not be equal to the output directory.\nOr else will the Signer Engine overwrite the original file.\n"; exit 1; } unless($ksm_policy) { print "Error: You must specify the policy that the zones should be signed with.\n"; pod2usage(1); } } my $zone_counter = 1; for($zone_counter = 1; $zone_counter <= $number_zones; $zone_counter++) { createZone($number_zones, $zone_counter, $zone_name, $ttl, $number_rr, $percent_ns, $number_ns, $percent_ds, $percent_a, $percent_aaaa, $output_path, $add_to_ksm, $config_path, $signer_output_path, $ksm_policy, $no_xml); } } sub createZone { my $number_zones = shift; my $zone_counter = shift; my $old_zone_name = shift; my $ttl = shift; my $number_rr = shift; my $percent_ns = shift; my $number_ns = shift; my $percent_ds = shift; my $percent_a = shift; my $percent_aaaa = shift; my $output_path = shift; my $add_to_ksm = shift; my $config_path = shift; my $signer_output_path = shift; my $ksm_policy = shift; my $no_xml = shift; my $zone_name; if($number_zones == 1) { $zone_name = $old_zone_name; } else { $zone_name = sprintf("%i%s", $zone_counter, $old_zone_name); } open my $file_handle, ">", "$output_path/$zone_name" or die("Error: Could not open file for output."); createZoneApex($file_handle, $zone_name, $ttl); my $rr_counter = 0; my $label_counter = 0; while($rr_counter < $number_rr) { my $label_name = sprintf("label%i.%s", $label_counter + 1, $zone_name); $rr_counter += createLabel($file_handle, $label_name, $ttl, $percent_ns, $number_ns, $percent_ds, $percent_a, $percent_aaaa); $label_counter++; } close $file_handle; if($add_to_ksm) { my $full_config = "$config_path/$zone_name.xml"; $full_config =~ s/\/\//\//g; my $full_output = "$output_path/$zone_name"; $full_output =~ s/\/\//\//g; my $full_signer_output = "$signer_output_path/$zone_name"; $full_signer_output =~ s/\/\//\//g; if ($no_xml) { $no_xml = '--no-xml'; } else { $no_xml = ''; } system("ods-ksmutil zone add --zone $zone_name --policy $ksm_policy --signerconf $full_config --input $full_output --output $full_signer_output $no_xml"); } } sub createZoneApex { my $file_handle = shift; my $zone_name = shift; my $ttl = shift; print $file_handle "$zone_name. $ttl IN SOA ns1.$zone_name. postmaster.$zone_name. 1000 1200 180 1209600 $ttl\n"; print $file_handle "$zone_name. $ttl IN MX 10 mail.$zone_name.\n"; print $file_handle "$zone_name. $ttl IN NS ns1.$zone_name.\n"; print $file_handle "$zone_name. $ttl IN NS ns2.$zone_name.\n"; print $file_handle "$zone_name. $ttl IN A\n"; print $file_handle "mail.$zone_name. $ttl IN A\n"; print $file_handle "ns1.$zone_name. $ttl IN A\n"; print $file_handle "ns2.$zone_name. $ttl IN A\n"; } sub createLabel() { my $file_handle = shift; my $domain_name = shift; my $ttl = shift; my $percent_ns = shift; my $number_ns = shift; my $percent_ds = shift; my $percent_a = shift; my $percent_aaaa = shift; my $rr_counter = 0; my $loop_counter = 0; while($rr_counter == 0) { # Create NS, delegation my $random_number = int(rand(100)); if($random_number < $percent_ns) { for($loop_counter = 1; $loop_counter <= $number_ns; $loop_counter++) { print $file_handle "$domain_name. $ttl IN NS ns$loop_counter.$domain_name.\n"; print $file_handle "ns$loop_counter.$domain_name. $ttl IN A\n"; $rr_counter += 2; } # Create DS $random_number = int(rand(100)); if($random_number < $percent_ds) { print $file_handle "$domain_name. $ttl IN DS 22922 7 1 f62411de95a5b7bcabe976c0e65034a35a9fa937\n"; $rr_counter++; } } else { # Create A $random_number = int(rand(100)); if($random_number < $percent_a) { print $file_handle "$domain_name. $ttl IN A\n"; $rr_counter++; } # Create AAAA $random_number = int(rand(100)); if($random_number < $percent_aaaa) { print $file_handle "$domain_name. $ttl IN AAAA 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334\n"; $rr_counter++; } } } return $rr_counter; } main; __END__ =head1 NAME zonegen - a simple script that generates zone and can add them via ksmutil =head1 SYNOPSIS zonegen [options] Options: --help brief help message --zonename S The name of the zone. E.g. largetld or suffix.org. Multiple zones will get a number as a prefix --nzones N Number of zones to generate --ttl N The TTL to use --nrr N Minimum number of RR per zone (not including zone apex, 8 RR) --pns N 0-100 % chance that a subdomain will get a NS RR with A RR as glue, thus delegated --nns N Number of NS in a NS RRset, if delegated --pds N 0-100 % chance that a delegation will get a DS RR --pa N 0-100 % chance that a subdomain will get an A RR --paaaa N 0-100 % chance that a subdomain will get an AAAA RR --output S Directory where the generated zones can be stored --addtoksm If the zones should be added to OpenDNSSEC via the ksmutil. Use with --config, --signeroutput, and --policy --no-xml Don't use the XML file with ods-ksmutil zone add --config S Directory where the zone signing configuration can be stored --signeroutput S Directory where the signed zone will go --policy S The policy that OpenDNSSEC will use to sign the zone zonegen will generate zone files and can add them to OpenDNSSEC via ksmutil. Example - To generate many small zones (ISP). 5000 zones, each with an apex of 8 RR. Minimum 2 extra RR, where each new sub domain get an A RR and only 5 percent get an AAAA RR: perl zonegen.pl --zonename suffix.org --nzones 5000 --nrr 2 --pa 100 --paaaa 5 --output ./ Example - To generate a single large zone (e.g. TLD). A single zone with minimum one million RR. Each deletegation gets new NS with glue and 10 percent will have a DS RR: perl zonegen.pl --zonename largetld --nzones 1 --nrr 1000000 --nns 2 --pns 100 --pds 10 --output ./