$Id$ Contributed by Jaroslav Imrich. ******************************************************************************** * Building SoftHSM on Windows with MinGW * ******************************************************************************** This guide is "work in progress" as SoftHSM currently does not support building under Windows with MinGW. Note that binary build of Botan available from its homepage cannot be used with GCC because it is built for Microsoft C compiler. Step 1: Install MinGW with MSYS =============================== 1. Download "Automat MinGW Installer" (mingw-get-inst-20110530.exe) from http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/ 2. Install into "C:\MinGW" with "Pre-packaged repository catalogues" and following components: - C compiler - C++ compiler - MSYS Basic System 3. Execute MSYS console via Windows Start menu: "Start > All programs > MinGw > MinGW Shell" 4. Install Autoconf package with following command: mingw-get install autoconf 5. Install Autotools package with following command: mingw-get install autotools Step 2: Install Python 2.7 (required to build Botan) ==================================================== 1. Download Python 2.7 (python-2.7.2.msi) from http://www.python.org/download/windows/ 2. Install into "c:\Python27" 3. Add "c:\Python27" into "Path" environment variable: 3.1. Righ-click on "My Computer" and select "Properties" 3.2. On "Advanced" tab click "Environment variables" button 3.3. Select "Path" amongst the "System variables" and click "Edit" button 3.4. Append ";C:\Python27" to the end of "Variable value" 3.5. Close all open dialogs with "OK" button 4. Restart MSYS console to apply changes made to environment variables Step 3: Build Botan =================== 1. Download "Botan" sources (Botan-1.8.12.tgz) from http://botan.randombit.net/download.html 2. Copy downloaded file into your MSYS home directory (c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\home\Administrator\) 3. Extract downloaded archive in MSYS console with following commands: tar -xf Botan-1.8.12.tgz cd Botan-1.8.12 4. Run configuration script with command: ./configure.py --prefix=c:/botan --cc=gcc If you are running a 64-bit OS, then also add --cpu=i386. MinGW does not come with a 64-bit compiler. 5. Edit generated Makefile: 5.1. Replace line: LINK_TO = -ladvapi32.lib -luser32.lib with line: LINK_TO = -ladvapi32 -luser32 5.2. Replace line: INSTALL_CMD_EXEC = copy with line: INSTALL_CMD_EXEC = cp 5.3. Replace line: INSTALL_CMD_DATA = copy with line: INSTALL_CMD_DATA = cp 5.4. Replace line: for i in $(DOCS); do \ with line: for i in "$(DOCS)"; do \ 5.5. Replace line: for i in $(HEADERS); do \ with line: for i in "$(HEADERS)"; do \ 5.6. Replace line: $(INSTALL_CMD_EXEC) $(CONFIG_SCRIPT) $(BINDIR) with line: #$(INSTALL_CMD_EXEC) $(CONFIG_SCRIPT) $(BINDIR) 5.7. Replace line: $(INSTALL_CMD_DATA) $(PKGCONFIG) $(PKGCONF_DIR) with line: #$(INSTALL_CMD_DATA) $(PKGCONFIG) $(PKGCONF_DIR) 6. Build and install Botan with following command: make && make check && make install 7. Botan is installed in "C:\botan" Step 4: Build SQLite ==================== 1. Download "SQLite" sources (sqlite-autoconf-3070701.tar.gz) from http://www.sqlite.org/ 2. Copy downloaded file into your MSYS home directory (c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\home\Administrator\) 3. Extract downloaded archive in MSYS console with following commands: tar -xf sqlite-autoconf-3070701.tar.gz cd sqlite-autoconf-3070701 4. Run configuration script with command: ./configure --prefix=c:/sqlite3 5. Build and install SQLite with following command: make && make install 6. SQLite is installed in "C:\sqlite3" Step 5: Install TortoiseSVN (required to get latest version of SoftHSM sources) =============================================================================== 1. Download TortoiseSVN (TortoiseSVN- from http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html 2. Install into default location suggested by installation wizard Step 6: Checkout latest version of SoftHSM sources from SVN =========================================================== 1. Create directory "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\home\Administrator\SoftHSM" 2. Right-click newly created directory and choose "SVN Checkout..." 3. Enter "http://svn.opendnssec.org/trunk/softHSM/" as "URL of repository" 4. Start checkout by clicking "OK" button Step 7: Build SoftHSM ===================== 1. Enter "SoftHSM" directory in MSYS console with following command: cd ~/SoftHSM 2. Generate configuration script with command: autoreconf --install --force 3. Run configuration script with command: ./configure --with-botan=c:/botan --with-sqlite3=c:/sqlite3 --prefix=c:/SoftHSM 4. Build and install SoftHSM with following command: make && make install