# Copyright (c) 2009 Nominet UK. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE # GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER # IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN # IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ## Test the Monitor require 'test/unit' require 'rubygems' require 'timecop' require 'socket' require 'dnsruby' include Dnsruby class TestMonitor < Test::Unit::TestCase def start_ipv4_server # Write test server (need to run privileged to get port 53) which listens to and responds to # queries for the zones of interest to the test code. Have it respond SERVFAIL to # all other queries. # Make sure we use a large EDNS message size so we don't have to worry about TCP socket = UDPSocket.new socket.bind("", 53) serve(socket) end def serve(socket) load_zones while (true) # Accept packet, info = socket.recvfrom(4096) break if packet=="shutdown" query = Message.decode(packet) # print "Query : #{query}\n" answer = make_response(query) socket.send(answer.encode, 0, info[3], info[1]) end # Shut down socket.close end def load_zones # We need to create a set of signed zones from the root down to # the zone of interest ("example.com."?). # So we need a signed root zone pointing to com. # And a signed com. pointing to example.com. # We also need a signed example.com. with a few valid records of various types. # Use NSEC3. # Sign all zones with a decent tolerance - make sure that the root zone and # com. are valid for longer than example.com. (which should have the shortest # signature lifetime). # Then store the zone files in the test folder, and load them into memory # when the test starts up. When a request comes in, figure out which zone # the query is aimed at, look up the appropriate response (making sure that # NSEC3 denial etc. is correct!) and send it. # Should be able to figure out what the actual queries will be in any case... # # UNSIGNED ZONES : # # Root zone : # # . IN SOA nic.com. hostmaster.com. 1 2H 5M 4W 3H # . IN NS alex # . IN NS alexd # alex. IN A # alexd IN A # # com. zone : # # com. IN SOA nic.com. hostmaster.com. 2 2H 5M 4W 3H # com. IN NS alex.com. # com. IN NS alexd.com. # alexd IN A # alex IN A # # example.com. zone : # # example.com. IN SOA nic.example.com. hostmaster.example.com. 3 2H 5M 4W 1H # alex IN A # alex IN TXT "alex" # alexd IN A example_com_reader = Dnsruby::ZoneReader.new("example.com.") @example_com_zone = example_com_reader.process_file("test/example.com") com_reader = Dnsruby::ZoneReader.new("com.") @com_zone = com_reader.process_file("test/com") root_reader = Dnsruby::ZoneReader.new(".") @root_zone = root_reader.process_file("test/root") end def make_response(query) # Figure out which server the client thinks it is speaking to, and craft the appropriate response. begin if (query.question()[0].qtype == "NS") # Strip the first label, and what's left identifies the zone we're interested in. zone = get_zone(lose_n_labels_from_start(query.question()[0].qname, 1)) response = make_ns_response(query, zone) return response elsif (query.question()[0].qtype == "DS") # Strip the first label, and what's left identifies the zone we're interested in. zone = get_zone(lose_n_labels_from_start(query.question()[0].qname, 1)) response = make_ds_response(query, zone) return response elsif (query.question()[0].qtype == "A") # Strip the first label, and what's left identifies the zone we're interested in. zone = get_zone(lose_n_labels_from_start(query.question()[0].qname, 1)) response = make_a_response(query, zone) return response elsif (query.question()[0].qtype == "RRSIG") # The query name identifies the zone we're interested in. zone = get_zone(query.question()[0].qname) response = make_rrsig_response(query, zone) return response elsif (query.question()[0].qtype == "SOA") # The query name identifies the zone we're interested in. zone = get_zone(query.question()[0].qname) response = make_soa_response(query, zone) return response elsif (query.question()[0].qtype == "DNSKEY") # The query name identifies the zone we're interested in. zone = get_zone(query.question()[0].qname) response = make_dnskey_response(query, zone) return response else print "\n\nCAN'T HANDLE QUERY FOR #{query.question()[0].qtype} : #{query}\n\n" end rescue ArgumentError => e end query.header.rcode = RCode.SERVFAIL return query end def make_dnskey_response(query, zone) # @TODO@ Also need to create DNSKEY response - from parent, this should give DS for child # From target, this should give keys for current zone. # Could we hack it, and dd current zone DNSKEY in answer, and child DS/NS in authority with A in additional? response = query.clone query.header.qr = true query.header.aa = true answer_rrset = RRSet.new ns_rrsets = [] ds_rrsets = [] a_rrsets = [] zone.each {|rr| # Load up the RRSets # DS in answer, NS in authority, A in additional (remembering RRSIGs) if ((get_type(rr) == "DNSKEY") && (query.question()[0].qname == rr.name)) answer_rrset.add(rr) elsif get_type(rr) == "DS" add_to_rrsets(rr, ds_rrsets) elsif get_type(rr) == "NS" add_to_rrsets(rr, ns_rrsets) end if get_type(rr) == "A" # No AAAA in test zones add_to_rrsets(rr, a_rrsets) end } answer_rrset.each {|rr| response.add_answer(rr) } ns_rrsets.each {|ns_rrset| ns_rrset.each {|rr| response.add_authority(rr) } } ds_rrsets.each {|ds_rrset| ds_rrset.each {|rr| response.add_authority(rr) } } a_rrsets.each {|a_rrset| a_rrset.each {|rr| response.add_additional(rr) } } return response end def make_a_response(query, zone) # A (+RRSIG) in answer, ns (+RRSIGs) in authority, with A in additional response = query.clone query.header.qr = true query.header.aa = true answer_rrset = RRSet.new ns_rrsets = [] a_rrsets = [] zone.each {|rr| # Load up the RRSets # DS in answer, NS in authority, A in additional (remembering RRSIGs) if ((get_type(rr) == "A") && (query.question()[0].qname == rr.name)) answer_rrset.add(rr) elsif get_type(rr) == "NS" add_to_rrsets(rr, ns_rrsets) end if get_type(rr) == "A" # No AAAA in test zones add_to_rrsets(rr, a_rrsets) end } answer_rrset.each {|rr| response.add_answer(rr) } ns_rrsets.each {|ns_rrset| ns_rrset.each {|rr| response.add_authority(rr) } } a_rrsets.each {|a_rrset| a_rrset.each {|rr| response.add_additional(rr) } } return response end def make_soa_response(query, zone) # A (+RRSIG) in answer, ns (+RRSIGs) in authority, with A in additional response = query.clone query.header.qr = true query.header.aa = true answer_rrset = RRSet.new ns_rrsets = [] a_rrsets = [] zone.each {|rr| # Load up the RRSets # SOA in answer, NS in authority, A in additional (remembering RRSIGs) if ((get_type(rr) == "SOA") && (query.question()[0].qname == rr.name)) answer_rrset.add(rr) elsif get_type(rr) == "NS" add_to_rrsets(rr, ns_rrsets) end if get_type(rr) == "A" # No AAAA in test zones add_to_rrsets(rr, a_rrsets) end } answer_rrset.each {|rr| response.add_answer(rr) } ns_rrsets.each {|ns_rrset| ns_rrset.each {|rr| response.add_authority(rr) } } a_rrsets.each {|a_rrset| a_rrset.each {|rr| response.add_additional(rr) } } return response end def make_rrsig_response(query, zone) # all RRSIGs in answer, with NS in authority and A in additional (remembering RRSIGs) response = query.clone query.header.qr = true query.header.aa = true rrsig_rrsets = [] ns_rrsets = [] a_rrsets = [] zone.each {|rr| # Load up the RRSets # DS in answer, NS in authority, A in additional (remembering RRSIGs) if rr.type == "RRSIG" add_to_rrsets(rr, rrsig_rrsets) end if get_type(rr) == "NS" add_to_rrsets(rr, ns_rrsets) elsif get_type(rr) == "A" # No AAAA in test zones add_to_rrsets(rr, a_rrsets) end } rrsig_rrsets.each {|rrsig_rrset| rrsig_rrset.each {|rr| response.add_answer(rr) } } ns_rrsets.each {|ns_rrset| ns_rrset.each {|rr| response.add_authority(rr) } } a_rrsets.each {|a_rrset| a_rrset.each {|rr| response.add_additional(rr) } } return response end def denial(query, zone) # Construct denial response # What should this look like? # Nothing in answer section # Nothing in additional # Authority section should contain : # o SOA record for zone (+RRSIG) # o Three NSEC3 records (+RRSIGs). Can we just send them all back? response = query.clone response.header.rcode = RCode.NXDOMAIN query.header.qr = true query.header.aa = true soa_rrset = RRSet.new nsec3_rrsets = [] zone.each {|rr| # Load up the RRSets # DS in answer, NS in authority, A in additional (remembering RRSIGs) if get_type(rr) == "SOA" soa_rrset.add(rr) elsif get_type(rr) == "NSEC3" add_to_rrsets(rr, nsec3_rrsets) end } soa_rrset.each {|rr| response.add_authority(rr) } nsec3_rrsets.each {|nsec3_rrset| nsec3_rrset.each {|rr| response.add_authority(rr) } } return response end def make_ns_response(query, zone) # This could either be for valid NS, or for the non-existent name # If for valid NS, then we can reply with NS in answer, and A in additional (remembering RRSIGs) # If for unknown name, then send an NSEC3 denial of existence. # So, first of all see if we can find the name - try to fill up the answer rrsets at the same time (save time) # If we can't find anything at all, then trigger NSEC3 if (zone == @example_com_zone) return denial(query, zone) end response = query.clone query.header.qr = true query.header.aa = true ns_rrsets = [] a_rrsets = [] zone.each {|rr| # Load up the RRSets # DS in answer, NS in authority, A in additional (remembering RRSIGs) if get_type(rr) == "NS" add_to_rrsets(rr, ns_rrsets) elsif get_type(rr) == "A" # No AAAA in test zones add_to_rrsets(rr, a_rrsets) end } ns_rrsets.each {|ns_rrset| ns_rrset.each {|rr| # @TODO@ Need to know if this is a query to the authoritative server or not. # Hard to know, since all servers run on the same socket... # HACK - stick NS records in both for now response.add_answer(rr) response.add_authority(rr) } } a_rrsets.each {|a_rrset| a_rrset.each {|rr| response.add_additional(rr) } } return response end def make_ds_response(query, zone) response = query.clone query.header.qr = true query.header.aa = true ds_rrset = RRSet.new ns_rrsets = [] a_rrsets = [] zone.each {|rr| # Load up the RRSets # DS in answer, NS in authority, A in additional (remembering RRSIGs) if get_type(rr) == "DS" ds_rrset.add(rr) elsif get_type(rr) == "NS" add_to_rrsets(rr, ns_rrsets) elsif get_type(rr) == "A" # No AAAA in test zones add_to_rrsets(rr, a_rrsets) end } ds_rrset.each {|rr| response.add_answer(rr) } ns_rrsets.each {|ns_rrset| ns_rrset.each {|rr| response.add_authority(rr) } } a_rrsets.each {|a_rrset| a_rrset.each {|rr| response.add_additional(rr) } } return response end def add_to_rrsets(rr, rrsets) found = false rrsets.each {|ns_rrset| found = ns_rrset.add(rr) } if (!found) rrsets.push(RRSet.new(rr)) end end def get_type(rr) if rr.type == Types.RRSIG return rr.type_covered else return rr.type end end def get_zone(name) zone = case name.to_s when "" then @root_zone when "com" then @com_zone when "example.com" then @example_com_zone else raise ArgumentError.new("Unknown zone : #{name}") end return zone end def lose_n_labels_from_start(name, n) if (name.labels.length <= n) return Name.create(".") end n = Name.new(name.labels()[n, name.labels.length-n], name.absolute?) return n end def test_monitor # Set up the test environment # o Authoritative servers thread = Thread.new { start_ipv4_server } run_tests # Might need to send a message to poke the server into stopping... socket = UDPSocket.open socket.connect(nil, 53) socket.send("shutdown", 0) thread.join end def check_server_works res = Resolver.new({:nameserver => ""}) # begin # res.query("example.com.", "TXT") # fail # rescue ServFail => e # end begin res.query("example.com.not.there.", "DS") fail rescue ServFail => e end ret = res.query("example.com", "DS") assert(ret.answer.rrset("example.com", "DS").rrs.length > 0) ret = res.query("com", "NS") assert(ret.answer.rrset("com", "NS").rrs.length == 0) assert(ret.authority.rrset("com", "NS").rrs.length == 0) q = Queue.new res.send_async(Message.new("notthere.example.com", "NS"), q, q) id, ret, err = q.pop assert(NXDomain === err) assert(ret.answer.rrsets.length == 0) ret = res.query("alex.example.com", "A") assert(ret.answer.rrset("alex.example.com", "A").rrs.length > 0) ret = res.query("example.com", "RRSIG") assert(ret.answer.rrsets("RRSIG").length > 0) end def test_dlv # DLV tests run against the live server, just to make sure there are some real-world tests. options = " -z se --dlvkey ../test/dlv.key --kskwarn 1 --kskcritical 1 --zskwarn 1 --zskcritical 1 " time = Time.now run_monitor(options, time, 0) time = Time.gm(2009, 11, 23, 13, 0, 0) run_monitor(options, time, 3) # Can't really check the output here, as we don't know the current state end def run_tests check_server_works options = " --rootkey ../test/root.key -z example.com --hints --zskwarn 1 --zskcritical 1 --kskwarn 1 --kskcritical 1" # Want a successful test time = Time.gm(2009, 11, 28, 13, 0, 0) output = run_monitor(options, time, 0) # Then set time to bad time, and check errors/warnings generated # Also, we should probably set up some validation failures - e.g. bad DS records, bad DNSKEY, etc. # @TODO@ Check the syslog output - we just want to see the error messages we're expecting. # @TODO@ Test checks on individual domains (in example.com) # Do these at same time as apex inception and expiration checks # @TODO@ Check signature expiration # Set time near end of validity for example.com RRSIGs # @TODO@ Check signature inception # Set time near start of validity for example.com RRSIGs # @TODO@ Check parent DS incorrect # Perhaps we could set some flags so that the server serves up a corrupted DS record for example.com? # Also tests validation end def run_monitor(options, time, expected_ret) # In a new process, require 'dnssec_monitor.rb" with appropriate config # Remember to do this with Timecop! output = [] IO.popen("ruby test/dnssec_monitor_time_shift.rb '#{time.to_i}' #{options}") {|fhi| while (line = fhi.gets) output.push(line) end } ret_val = $?.exitstatus assert_equal(expected_ret, ret_val, "Expected return of #{expected_ret} from successful monitor run") return output end end