require 'test/unit' class CheckerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_good_config stderr = run_checker("ods-kaspcheck -c kaspcheck_good/conf.xml") assert(check_output(stderr, [ "INFO: kaspcheck_good/conf.xml validates", "INFO: kaspcheck_good/zonelist.xml validates", "INFO: kaspcheck_good/kasp.xml validates", ])) end def test_missing_files stderr = run_checker("ods-kaspcheck -c kaspcheck_bad/not_there.xml") assert(check_output(stderr, [ 'failed to load external entity "kaspcheck_bad/not_there.xml"', 'ERROR: unable to parse file "kaspcheck_bad/not_there.xml"', "ERROR: Configuration file (kaspcheck_bad/not_there.xml) does not exist", "ERROR: No location for kasp.xml set" ])) end def test_broken_form # RNG validation errors # --------------------- stderr = run_checker("ods-kaspcheck -c kaspcheck_bad/bad_form_conf.xml -k kaspcheck_bad/bad_form_kasp.xml") assert(check_output(stderr, [ "kaspcheck_bad/bad_form_conf.xml:15: element InvalidNode: Relax-NG validity error : Did not expect element InvalidNode there", "ERROR: kaspcheck_bad/bad_form_conf.xml fails to validate", # If repository specifies capacity, it should be greater than 0 "kaspcheck_bad/bad_form_conf.xml:11: element Capacity: Relax-NG validity error : Error validating datatype positiveInteger", "kaspcheck_bad/bad_form_conf.xml:11: element Capacity: Relax-NG validity error : Element Capacity failed to validate content", "kaspcheck_bad/bad_form_conf.xml:11: element Capacity: Relax-NG validity error : Type positiveInteger doesn't allow value '0'", # KASP errors "kaspcheck_bad/bad_form_kasp.xml:12: element Jitter: Relax-NG validity error : Type duration doesn't allow value 'bad_text'", "kaspcheck_bad/bad_form_kasp.xml:12: element Jitter: Relax-NG validity error : Error validating datatype duration", "kaspcheck_bad/bad_form_kasp.xml:12: element Jitter: Relax-NG validity error : Element Jitter failed to validate content", "kaspcheck_bad/bad_form_kasp.xml:14: element InvalidNode: Relax-NG validity error : Did not expect element InvalidNode there", "kaspcheck_bad/bad_form_kasp.xml fails to validate", # Bad serial "kaspcheck_bad/bad_form_kasp.xml:55: element Serial: Relax-NG validity error : Error validating value", "kaspcheck_bad/bad_form_kasp.xml:55: element Serial: Relax-NG validity error : Element Serial failed to validate content" ])) end def test_broken_validation # RNG validation errors # --------------------- stderr = run_checker("ods-kaspcheck -c kaspcheck_bad/invalid_conf.xml") assert(check_output(stderr, [ "INFO: kaspcheck_bad/invalid_conf.xml validates", "INFO: kaspcheck_bad/zonelist.xml validates", "ERROR: WorkingDirectory (kaspcheck_bad/nope/not/here) does not exist", "INFO: kaspcheck_bad/invalid_kasp.xml validates", # KASP errors ])) end def test_bad_config stderr = run_checker("ods-kaspcheck -c kaspcheck_bad/conf.xml") # Fill in expected error strings here assert(check_output(stderr, [ "INFO: kaspcheck_bad/conf.xml validates", "INFO: kaspcheck_bad/zonelist.xml validates", "INFO: kaspcheck_bad/kasp.xml validates", # General Checks # -------------- # Duration checks in various elements in both files "WARNING: In Configuration Y used in duration field for Enforcer/Interval (P1Y) in kaspcheck_bad/conf.xml - this will be interpreted as 365 days", "WARNING: In policy namedtwice, M used in duration field for Signatures/InceptionOffset (P1M) in kaspcheck_bad/kasp.xml - this will be interpreted as 31 days", # # @TODO@ Uknown paths - e.g. HSM, chdir, etc. # Conf.xml checks # --------------- "ERROR: SQLite datastore (really/does_not_exist) does not exist", # User/groups exist "ERROR: Group 'shouldnt_be_here_blah' does not exist", "ERROR: User 'lah_de_dah_dafffy_duck' does not exist", # Multiple repositories of same type should have unique TokenLabels "ERROR: Multiple Repositories (softHSM and anotherHSM) in kaspcheck_bad/conf.xml have the same Module (kaspcheck_bad/kasp.xml) and TokenLabel (OpenDNSSEC)", # Check that the shared library (Module) exists "ERROR: Module (really/really/not/here/promise) does not exist", # Check if two repositories exist with the same name "ERROR: Two repositories exist with the same name (softHSM)", # Kasp.xml checks # --------------- # No policy named "default" "WARNING: No policy named 'default' in kaspcheck_bad/kasp.xml. This means you will need to refer explicitly to the policy for each zone", # Two policies with the same name "ERROR: Two policies exist with the same name (namedtwice)", # "Resign" should be less than "refresh" "ERROR: The Refresh interval (60 seconds) for registry Policy in kaspcheck_bad/kasp.xml is less than or equal to the Resign interval (120 seconds)", # "Default" and "denial" validity periods are greater than the "Refresh" interval "ERROR: Validity/Default (1 seconds) for registry policy in kaspcheck_bad/kasp.xml is less than or equal to the Refresh interval (60 seconds)", "ERROR: Validity/Denial (2 seconds) for registry policy in kaspcheck_bad/kasp.xml is less than or equal to the Refresh interval (60 seconds)", # Warn if "Jitter" is greater than 50% of the maximum of the "default" and "Denial" period. "WARNING: Jitter time (43200 seconds) is large compared to Validity/Denial (2 seconds) for registry policy in kaspcheck_bad/kasp.xml", "ERROR: Jitter time (43200 seconds) is greater than the Default Validity (1 seconds) for registry policy in kaspcheck_bad/kasp.xml", "ERROR: Jitter time (43200 seconds) is greater than the Denial Validity (2 seconds) for registry policy in kaspcheck_bad/kasp.xml", # Warn if the InceptionOffset is greater than ten minutes. "WARNING: InceptionOffset is higher than expected (2678400 seconds) for namedtwice policy in kaspcheck_bad/kasp.xml", # Warn if the "PublishSafety" and "RetireSafety" margins are less than 0.1 * TTL or more than 5 * TTL. "WARNING: Keys/PublishSafety (1 seconds) is less than 0.1 * TTL (3600 seconds) for registry policy in kaspcheck_bad/kasp.xml", "WARNING: Keys/RetireSafety (1 seconds) is less than 0.1 * TTL (3600 seconds) for registry policy in kaspcheck_bad/kasp.xml", # The algorithm should be checked to ensure it is consistent with the NSEC/NSEC3 choice for the zone. "ERROR: In policy registry, incompatible algorithm (5) used for ZSK NSEC3 in kaspcheck_bad/kasp.xml - should be 6,7,8 or 10", # If datecounter is used for serial, then no more than 99 signings should be done per day (there are only two digits to play with in the version number). "ERROR: In kaspcheck_bad/kasp.xml, policy registry, serial type datecounter used but 720 re-signs requested. No more than 99 re-signs per day should be used with datecounter as only 2 digits are allocated for the version number", # The key strength should be checked for sanity - warn if less than 1024 or more than 4096 "WARNING: Key length of 48 used for KSK in registry policy in kaspcheck_bad/kasp.xml. Should probably be 1024 or more", "ERROR: Key length of 6048 used for KSK in namedtwice policy in kaspcheck_bad/kasp.xml. Should be 4096 or less", # Check that repositories listed in the KSK and ZSK sections are defined in conf.xml. "ERROR: Unknown repository (unknownHSM) defined for KSK in registry policy in kaspcheck_bad/kasp.xml", # Warn if for any zone, the KSK lifetime is less than the ZSK lifetime. "WARNING: KSK minimum lifetime (31536000 seconds) is less than ZSK minimum lifetime (120960000 seconds) for namedtwice Policy in kaspcheck_bad/kasp.xml", ])) end def run_checker(command) stderr = IO::pipe pid = fork { stderr[0].close STDOUT.reopen(stderr[1]) STDERR.reopen(stderr[1]) stderr[1].close system(command) exit! } stderr[1].close Process.waitpid(pid) return stderr end def check_output(stderr, expected_strings) remaining_strings = [] while (line = stderr[0].gets) remaining_strings.push(line) end remaining_strings.reverse.each {|line| expected_strings.each {|expected| if (line.index(expected)) remaining_strings.delete(line) expected_strings.delete(expected) break end } } success = true expected_strings.each {|string| print "Couldn't find expected error : #{string}\n" success = false } remaining_strings.each {|line| print "Got unexpected error : #{line}\n" success= false } return success end end