# # $Id$ # # Copyright (c) 2009 Nominet UK. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE # GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER # IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN # IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # require 'syslog' include Syslog::Constants require 'xsd/datatypes' require 'rexml/document' include REXML require 'kasp_auditor/config.rb' require 'etc' module KASPChecker # This class checks the conf.xml and kasp.xml files to make sure that they # syntactically valid, and also semantically valid. Any oddities in the # configuration are reported to the user. class Checker $SAFE = 1 KASP_FILE = "kasp" CONF_FILE = "conf" attr_accessor :conf_file, :kasp_file, :rng_path, :xmllint def check @ret_val = 999 conf_file = @conf_file if (!conf_file) KASPAuditor.exit("No configuration file specified", 1) end # Validate the conf.xml against the RNG validate_file(conf_file, CONF_FILE) # Now check the config file kasp_file = check_config_file(conf_file) if (@kasp_file) # Override the configured kasp.xml with the user-supplied value kasp_file = @kasp_file end if (kasp_file) # Validate the kasp.xml against the RNG validate_file(kasp_file, KASP_FILE) # Now check the kasp file check_kasp_file(kasp_file) else log(LOG_ERR, "KASP configuration file cannot be found") end @ret_val = 0 if (@ret_val >= LOG_WARNING) # Only return an error if LOG_ERR or above was raised if (@ret_val == 999) exit(0) else exit(@ret_val) end end def log(level, msg) if (level.to_i < @ret_val) @ret_val = level.to_i end if (@syslog) Syslog.open("ods-kaspcheck", Syslog::LOG_PID | Syslog::LOG_CONS, @syslog) { |slog| slog.log(level, msg) } end # Convert the level into text, rather than a number? e.g. "WARNING" level_string = case level when LOG_ERR then "ERROR" when LOG_WARNING then "WARNING" when LOG_INFO then "INFO" when LOG_CRIT then "CRITICAL" end print "#{level_string}: #{msg}\n" end def validate_file(file, type) # Actually call xmllint to do the validation if (file) rng_location = nil if (type == CONF_FILE) rng_location = @rng_path + "/conf.rng" else rng_location = @rng_path + "/kasp.rng" end rng_location = (rng_location.to_s + "").untaint file = (file.to_s + "").untaint r, w = IO.pipe pid = fork { r.close $stdout.reopen w ret = system("#{(@xmllint.to_s + "").untaint} --noout --relaxng #{rng_location} #{file}") w.close exit!(ret) } w.close ret_strings = [] r.each {|l| ret_strings.push(l)} Process.waitpid(pid) ret_val = $?.exitstatus # Now rewrite captured output from xmllint to log method ret_strings.each {|line| line.chomp! if line.index(" validates") # log(LOG_INFO, line + " OK") else log(LOG_ERR, line) end } if (!ret_val) log(LOG_ERR, "Errors found validating " + ((file== nil)? "unknown file" : file) + " against " + ((type == CONF_FILE) ? "conf" : "kasp") + ".rng") end else log(LOG_ERR, "Not validating : no file passed to validate against " + (((type == CONF_FILE) ? "conf" : "kasp") + ".rng")) end end # Load the specified config file and sanity check it. # The file should have been validated against the RNG before this method is # called. # Sets the syslog facility if it is defined. # Returns the configured location of the kasp.xml configuration file. def check_config_file(conf_file) kasp_file = nil begin File.open((conf_file + "").untaint , 'r') {|file| begin doc = REXML::Document.new(file) rescue Exception => e log(LOG_CRIT, "Can't understand #{conf_file} - exiting") exit(1) end begin facility = doc.elements['Configuration/Common/Logging/Syslog/Facility'].text # Now turn the facility string into a Syslog::Constants format.... syslog_facility = eval "Syslog::LOG_" + (facility.upcase+"").untaint @syslog = syslog_facility rescue Exception => e print "Error reading syslog config : #{e}\n" # @syslog = Syslog::LOG_DAEMON end begin kasp_file = doc.elements['Configuration/Common/PolicyFile'].text rescue Exception log(LOG_ERR, "Can't read KASP policy location from conf.xml - exiting") end # Checks we need to run on conf.xml : # 1. If a user and/or group is defined in the conf.xml then check that it exists. # Do this for *all* privs instances (in Signer, Auditor and Enforcer as well as top-level) warned_users = [] doc.root.each_element('//Privileges/User') {|user| # Now check the user exists # Keep a list of the users/groups we have already warned for, and make sure we only warn for them once next if (warned_users.include?(user.text)) begin Etc.getpwnam((user.text+"").untaint).uid rescue ArgumentError warned_users.push(user.text) log(LOG_ERR, "User #{user.text} does not exist") end } warned_groups = [] doc.root.each_element('//Privileges/Group') {|group| # Now check the group exists # Keep a list of the users/groups we have already warned for, and make sure we only warn for them once next if (warned_groups.include?(group.text)) begin Etc.getgrnam((group.text+"").untaint).gid rescue ArgumentError warned_groups.push(group.text) log(LOG_ERR, "Group #{group.text} does not exist") end } check_db(doc) # The Directory code is commented out until we support chroot again # doc.root.each_element('//Privileges/Directory') {|dir| # print "Dir : #{dir}\n" # # Now check the directory # if (!File.exist?(dir)) # log(LOG_ERR, "Direcotry #{dir} cannot be found") # end # } # # 2. If there are multiple repositories of the same type # (i.e. Module is the same for them), then each must have a unique TokenLabel # So, for each Repository, get the Name, Module and TokenLabel. # Then make sure that there are no repositories which share both Module # and TokenLabel @repositories = {} doc.elements.each('Configuration/RepositoryList/Repository') {|repository| name = repository.attributes['name'] # Check if two repositories exist with the same name if (@repositories.keys.include?name) log(LOG_ERR, "Two repositories exist with the same name (#{name})") end mod = repository.elements['Module'].text # 5. Check that the shared library (Module) exists. if (!File.exist?((mod+"").untaint)) log(LOG_ERR, "Module #{mod} in Repository #{name} cannot be found") end tokenlabel = repository.elements['TokenLabel'].text # print "Checking Module #{mod} and TokenLabel #{tokenlabel} in Repository #{name}\n" # Now check if repositories already includes the [mod, tokenlabel] hash if (@repositories.values.include?([mod, tokenlabel])) log(LOG_ERR, "Multiple Repositories in #{conf_file} have the same Module (#{mod}) and TokenLabel (#{tokenlabel}), for Repository #{name}") end @repositories[name] = [mod, tokenlabel] # 3. If a repository specifies a capacity, the capacity must be greater than zero. # This check is performed when the XML is validated against the RNG (which specifies positiveInteger for Capacity) # # Also } # check durations for Interval and RolloverNotification (the only duration elements in conf.xml) ["Enforcer/Interval", "Enforcer/RolloverNotification"].each {|element| doc.root.each_element("//"+element) {|el| check_duration_element_proc(el, "conf.xml", element, conf_file)} } } return ((kasp_file+"").untaint) rescue Errno::ENOENT log(LOG_ERR, "Can't find config file : #{conf_file}") return nil end end def check_db(doc) # Now check that the DB is writable by the user # //Enforcer/Datastore/Sqlite doc.root.each_element('/Configuration/Enforcer/Datastore/SQLite') {|sqlite| file = ((sqlite.text+"").untaint) if !File.exist?(file) log(LOG_ERR, "Can't find DB file : #{file}") return end stat = File::Stat.new(file) # Get the User and Group from the file - default to current user_name=nil group_name=nil begin user_name = doc.elements['Configuration/Enforcer/Privileges/User'].text rescue Exception end begin group_name = doc.elements['Configuration/Enforcer/Privileges/Group'].text rescue Exception end if (user_name || group_name) # Other user of group specified - will need to fire up another process, # passing in the UID and GID to change to, and then inspect return pid = fork { # Do all the changes and then check writable begin if (group_name) group = Etc.getgrnam((group_name+"").untaint).gid Process::Sys.setgid(group) end if (user_name) user = Etc.getpwnam((user_name+"").untaint).uid Process::Sys.setuid(user) end rescue Exception => e log(LOG_ERR, "Can't change to #{user_name}, #{group_name} to check DB write permissions") end if (stat.writable?) exit(0) else exit(-1) end } Process.wait(pid) ret_status = $? >> 8 if (ret_status != 0) log(LOG_ERR, "#{user_name} user can not write to DB file #{file}\n") end else # No user/group specified - now check that the file is writable by current user if !(stat.writable?) log(LOG_ERR, "Current user can not write to DB file #{file}\n") end end } doc.root.each_element('//Enforcer/Datastore/MySQL') {|mysql| # @TODO@ If //Enforcer/Datastore/MySQL is used, then we could try to connect to the database? # Complete once MySQL support is complete } end def check_duration_element_proc(element, policy, name, filename) duration = element.text # print "Checking duration of #{name} : #{duration}, #{duration.length}\n" last_digit = duration[duration.length-1, 1].downcase if (last_digit == "m" && !(/T/=~duration)) log(LOG_WARNING, "In #{(policy == "conf.xml") ? 'Configuration' : 'policy ' + policy + ', '} M used in duration field for #{name} (#{duration})" + " in #{filename} - this will be interpreted as 31 days") end if (last_digit == "y") log(LOG_WARNING, "In #{(policy == "conf.xml") ? 'Configuration' : 'policy ' + policy + ', '} Y used in duration field for #{name} (#{duration})" + " in #{filename} - this will be interpreted as 365 days") end end def check_kasp_file(kasp_file) begin File.open((kasp_file.to_s+"").untaint, 'r') {|file| begin doc = REXML::Document.new(file) rescue Exception => e log(LOG_CRIT, "Can't understand #{file} - exiting") exit(1) end # Run the following checks on kasp.xml : policy_names = [] doc.elements.each('KASP/Policy') {|policy| name = policy.attributes['name'] # Check if two policies exist with the same name if (policy_names.include?name) log(LOG_ERR, "Two policies exist with the same name (#{name})") end policy_names.push(name) # 2. For all policies, check that the "Re-sign" interval is less than the "Refresh" interval. resign_secs = get_duration(policy,'Signatures/Resign', kasp_file) refresh_secs = get_duration(policy, 'Signatures/Refresh', kasp_file) if (refresh_secs <= resign_secs) log(LOG_ERR, "The Refresh interval (#{refresh_secs} seconds) for " + "#{name} Policy in #{kasp_file} is less than or equal to the Resign interval" + " (#{resign_secs} seconds)") end # 3. Ensure that the "Default" and "Denial" validity periods are greater than the "Refresh" interval. default_secs = get_duration(policy, 'Signatures/Validity/Default', kasp_file) denial_secs = get_duration(policy, 'Signatures/Validity/Denial', kasp_file) if (default_secs <= refresh_secs) log(LOG_ERR, "Validity/Default (#{default_secs} seconds) for #{name} " + "policy in #{kasp_file} is less than the Refresh interval " + "(#{refresh_secs} seconds)") end if (denial_secs <= refresh_secs) log(LOG_ERR, "Validity/Denial (#{denial_secs} seconds) for #{name} " + "policy in #{kasp_file} is less than or equal to the Refresh interval " + "(#{refresh_secs} seconds)") end # 5. Warn if "Jitter" is greater than 50% of the maximum of the "default" and "Denial" period. (This is a bit arbitrary. The point is to get the user to realise that there will be a large spread in the signature lifetimes.) jitter_secs = get_duration(policy, 'Signatures/Jitter', kasp_file) max_default_denial=[default_secs, denial_secs].max max_default_denial_type = max_default_denial == default_secs ? "Default" : "Denial" if (jitter_secs > (max_default_denial * 0.5)) log(LOG_WARNING, "Jitter time (#{jitter_secs} seconds) is large" + " compared to Validity/#{max_default_denial_type} " + "(#{max_default_denial} seconds) for #{name} policy in #{kasp_file}") end # 14. Error if jitter is greater than either Default or Denial Validity if (jitter_secs > default_secs) log(LOG_ERR, "Jitter time (#{jitter_secs}) is greater than the Default Validity (#{default_secs}) for #{name} policy in #{kasp_file}") end if (jitter_secs > denial_secs) log(LOG_ERR, "Jitter time (#{jitter_secs}) is greater than the Denial Validity (#{denial_secs}) for #{name} policy in #{kasp_file}") end # 6. Warn if the InceptionOffset is greater than one hour. (Again arbitrary - but do we really expect the times on two systems to differ by more than this?) inception_offset_secs = get_duration(policy, 'Signatures/InceptionOffset', kasp_file) if (inception_offset_secs > (60 * 60)) log(LOG_WARNING, "InceptionOffset is higher than expected " + "(#{inception_offset_secs} seconds) for #{name} policy in #{kasp_file}") end # 7. Warn if the "PublishSafety" and "RetireSafety" margins are less than 0.1 * TTL or more than 5 * TTL. publish_safety_secs = get_duration(policy, 'Keys/PublishSafety', kasp_file) retire_safety_secs = get_duration(policy, 'Keys/RetireSafety', kasp_file) ttl_secs = get_duration(policy, 'Keys/TTL', kasp_file) [{publish_safety_secs , "Keys/PublishSafety"}, {retire_safety_secs, "Keys/RetireSafety"}].each {|pair| pair.each {|time, label| if (time < (0.1 * ttl_secs)) log(LOG_WARNING, "#{label} (#{time} seconds) in #{name} policy" + " in #{kasp_file} is less than 0.1 * TTL (#{ttl_secs} seconds)") end if (time > (5 * ttl_secs)) log(LOG_WARNING, "#{label} (#{time} seconds) in #{name} policy" + " in #{kasp_file} is more than 5 * TTL (#{ttl_secs} seconds)") end } } # Get the denial type (NSEC or NSEC3) denial_type = nil if (policy.elements['Denial/NSEC']) denial_type = "NSEC" else denial_type = "NSEC3" # Now check that the algorithm is correct policy.each_element('Denial/NSEC3/Hash/') {|hash| alg = hash.elements["Algorithm"].text if (alg.to_i != 1) log(LOG_ERR, "NSEC3 Hash algorithm is #{alg} but should be 1"); end } end # For all keys (if any are configured)... max = 9999999999999999 ksk_lifetime = max zsk_lifetime = max policy.each_element('Keys/ZSK') {|zsk| check_key(zsk, "ZSK", name, kasp_file, denial_type) zskl = get_duration(zsk, 'Lifetime', kasp_file) zsk_lifetime = [zsk_lifetime, zskl].min } policy.each_element('Keys/KSK') {|ksk| check_key(ksk, "KSK", name, kasp_file, denial_type) kskl = get_duration(ksk, 'Lifetime', kasp_file) ksk_lifetime = [ksk_lifetime, kskl].min } # 12. Warn if for any zone, the KSK lifetime is less than the ZSK lifetime. if ((ksk_lifetime != max) && (zsk_lifetime != max) && (ksk_lifetime < zsk_lifetime)) log(LOG_WARNING, "KSK minimum lifetime (#{ksk_lifetime} seconds)" + " is less than ZSK minimum lifetime (#{zsk_lifetime} seconds)"+ " for #{name} Policy in #{kasp_file}") end # 15. Warn if resalt is less than resign interval. resign_secs = get_duration(policy,'Signatures/Resign', kasp_file) resalt_secs = get_duration(policy,'Denial/NSEC3/Resalt', kasp_file) if (resalt_secs) if (resalt_secs < resign_secs) log(LOG_WARNING, "NSEC3 resalt interval (#{resalt_secs}) is less than" + " signature resign interval (#{resign_secs})" + " for #{name} Policy in #{kasp_file}") end end # 9. If datecounter is used for serial, then no more than 99 signings should be done per day (there are only two digits to play with in the version number). resigns_per_day = (60 * 60 * 24) / resign_secs if (resigns_per_day > 99) # Check if the datecounter is used - if so, warn policy.each_element('Zone/SOA/Serial') {|serial| if (serial.text.downcase == "datecounter") log(LOG_ERR, "In #{kasp_file}, policy #{name}, serial type datecounter used"+ " but #{resigns_per_day} re-signs requested."+ " No more than 99 re-signs per day should be used with datecounter"+ " as only 2 digits are allocated for the version number") # 13. Check that the value of the "Serial" tag is valid. elsif !(["unixtime", "datecounter", "keep", "counter"].include?serial.text.downcase) log(LOG_ERR, "In #{kasp_file}, policy #{name}, unknown Serial type encountered ('#{serial.text}')." + " Should be either 'unixtime', 'counter', 'datecounter' or 'keep'") end } end ["Signatures/Resign", "Signatures/Refresh", "Signatures/Validity/Default", "Signatures/Validity/Denial", "Signatures/Jitter", "Signatures/InceptionOffset", "Keys/RetireSafety", "Keys/PublishSafety", "Keys/Purge", "NSEC3/Resalt", "SOA/Minimum", "ZSK/Lifetime", "KSK/Lifetime", "TTL", "PropagationDelay"].each {|element| policy.each_element(element) {|el| check_duration_element_proc(el, name, element, kasp_file)} } } # 1. Warn if a policy named "default" does not exist. if (!policy_names.include?"default") log(LOG_WARNING, "No policy named 'default' in #{kasp_file}. This " + "means you will need to refer explicitly to the policy for each zone") end } rescue Errno::ENOENT log(LOG_ERR, "Can't find KASP config file : #{kasp_file}") end end def check_key(key, type, policy, kasp_file, denial_type) # 7. The algorithm should be checked to ensure it is consistent with the NSEC/NSEC3 choice for the zone. alg = key.elements['Algorithm'].text if (denial_type == "NSEC3") # Check correct algorithm used for NSEC3 if (!(["6","7","8","10"].include?alg)) log(LOG_ERR, "In policy #{policy}, incompatible algorithm (#{alg}) used for #{type} NSEC3" + " in #{kasp_file} - should be 6,7,8 or 10") end end # 9. The key strength should be checked for sanity - warn if less than 1024 or more than 4096 begin key_length = key.elements['Algorithm'].attributes['length'].to_i if (key_length < 1024) log(LOG_WARNING, "Key length of #{key_length} used for #{type} in #{policy}"+ " policy in #{kasp_file}. Should probably be 1024 or more") elsif (key_length > 4096) log(LOG_WARNING, "Key length of #{key_length} used for #{type} in #{policy}"+ " policy in #{kasp_file}. Should probably be 4096 or less") end rescue Exception # Fine - this is an optional element end # 10. Check that repositories listed in the KSK and ZSK sections are defined in conf.xml. repository = key.elements['Repository'].text if (!@repositories.keys.include?repository) log(LOG_ERR, "Unknown repository (#{repository}) defined for #{type} in"+ " #{policy} policy in #{kasp_file}") end end def get_duration(doc, element, kasp_file) begin text = doc.elements[element].text # Now get the numSeconds from the XSDDuration format duration = KASPAuditor::Config.xsd_duration_to_seconds(text) return duration rescue Exception log(LOG_ERR, "Can't find #{element} in #{doc.attributes['name']} in #{kasp_file}") return 0 end end end end