$Id$ This is a utility that allows several different actions to be performed (relatively) easily: ksmutil [-f config] setup Import conf.xml (from config_dir) into a database (deletes current contents) ksmutil [-f config] update Update database from config_dir (like above, but existing contents are kept) ksmutil [-f config] addzone zone [policy] [path_to_signerconf.xml] [input] [output] Add a zone to the config_dir and database zone == zone name policy == name of policy for zone to be put on path_to_signerconf.xml == Signerconf entry in zonelist input == Input entry in zonelist output == Output entry in zonelist If left blank then defaults will be provided for the latter 4 options. A backup of the sqlite DB file is made (if appropriate). ksmutil [-f config] delzone zone Delete a zone from the config_dir and database A backup of the sqlite DB file is made (if appropriate). ksmutil [-f config] listzone List zones from the zonelist.xml in config_dir ksmutil export [policy] export all policies [or named policy] to xml (in kasp.xml format) ksmutil [-f config] rollzone zone [KSK|ZSK] Rollover a zone (may roll all zones on that policy) the final option specifies the type of key to roll (both are rolled if nothing is specified) after running the rollover the communicator will be woken up so that the signer can be sent the new information If the policy that the zone is on specifies that keys are shared then all zones on that policy will be rolled. A backup of the sqlite DB file is made (if appropriate). ksmutil [-f config] rollpolicy policy [KSK|ZSK] Rollover all zones on a policy the final option specifies the type of key to roll (both are rolled if nothing is specified) after running the rollover the communicator will be woken up so that the signer can be sent the new information A backup of the sqlite DB file is made (if appropriate). ksmutil [-f config] backup [done|list] [repository] Indicate that a key backup has been performed or list dates when backups were made. This is especially important if the repository used has the "RequireBackup" flag set. Include this call in a HSM backup process to avoid warnings or errors about using non-backed up keys.