# # $Id$ # # Copyright (c) 2009 Nominet UK. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE # GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER # IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN # IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # require 'rubygems' require 'syslog' include Syslog::Constants require 'kasp_auditor/config.rb' require 'kasp_auditor/auditor.rb' require 'kasp_auditor/parse.rb' require 'kasp_auditor/preparser.rb' require 'kasp_auditor/auditor_daemon.rb' # This module provides auditing capabilities to OpenDNSSEC. # Once an unsigned zone has been signed, this module is used to check that # the signing process has run successfully. It checks that no data has been # lost (or non-DNSSEC data added), and that all the DNSSEC records are correct. # It used the OpenDNSSEC standard logging (defined in /etc/opendnssec/conf.xml) # Several transient files are created during this process - they are removed # when the process is complete. module KASPAuditor ENV['LC_ALL']= "C" def KASPAuditor.exit(msg, err) # @TODO@ Log exit msg print msg + "\n" Kernel.exit(err) end $SAFE = 1 # The KASPAuditor takes the signed and unsigned zones and compares them. # It first parses both files, and creates transient files which are then # sorted into canonical order. These files are then processed by the # Auditor. If processing an NSEC3-signed file, the Auditor will create # additional temporary files, which are processed after the main auditing # run. class Runner attr_accessor :kasp_file, :zone_name, :signed_temp, :conf_file # Run the auditor. def run conf_file = @conf_file if (!conf_file) KASPAuditor.exit("No configuration file specified", 1) end syslog_facility, working, zonelist, kasp_file = load_config_xml(conf_file) if (@kasp_file) kasp_file = @kasp_file end Syslog.open("kasp_auditor", Syslog::LOG_PID | Syslog::LOG_CONS, syslog_facility) { |syslog| run_with_syslog(zonelist, kasp_file, syslog, working) } end def run_as_daemon daemon = AuditorDaemon.new daemon.conf_file = @conf_file if (@kasp_file) daemon.kasp_file = @kasp_file end if (@zone_name) daemon.zone_name = @zone_name if (@signed_temp) daemon.signed_temp = @signed_temp end end daemon.run end # This method is provided so that the test code can use its own syslog def run_with_syslog(zonelist_file, kasp_file, syslog, working) # :nodoc: all zones = Parse.parse(File.dirname(kasp_file) + "/", zonelist_file, kasp_file, syslog) check_zones_to_audit(zones) # Now check the input and output zones using the config if (zones.length == 0) syslog.log(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't find any zones to load") KASPAuditor.exit("Couldn't find any zones to load", -LOG_ERR) end pid = Process.pid ret = 999 # Return value to controlling process zones.each {|config, input_file, output_file| do_audit = true [{input_file, "Unsigned"}, {output_file, "Signed"}].each {|set| set.each {|f, text| if (!(File.exist?((f.to_s+"").untaint))) msg = "#{text} file #{f} does not exist" print(msg+"\n") syslog.log(LOG_ERR, msg) ret = 1 do_audit = false end } } if (do_audit) # PREPARSE THE INPUT AND OUTPUT FILES!!! pp = Preparser.new() pids=[] new_pid = normalise_and_sort(input_file, "in", pid, working, pp) pids.push(new_pid) new_pid = normalise_and_sort(output_file, "out", pid, working, pp) pids.push(new_pid) pids.each {|id| ret_id, ret_status = Process.wait2(id) if (ret_status != 0) syslog.log(LOG_ERR, "Error sorting files (#{input_file} and #{output_file}) : ERR #{ret_status}- moving on to next zone") ret = 1 do_audit = false end } if (do_audit) # Now audit the pre-parsed and sorted file auditor = Auditor.new(syslog, working) ret_val = auditor.check_zone(config, working+get_name(input_file)+".in.sorted.#{pid}", working + get_name(output_file)+".out.sorted.#{pid}", input_file, output_file) ret = ret_val if (ret_val < ret) if ((config.err > 0) && (config.err < ret)) ret = config.err end end [input_file + ".in", output_file + ".out"].each {|f| delete_file(working + get_name(f)+".parsed.#{pid}") delete_file(working + get_name(f)+".sorted.#{pid}") } end } ret = 0 if (ret == -99) ret = 0 if (ret >= LOG_WARNING) # Only return an error if LOG_ERR or above was raised if (ret == 0) print "Auditor found no errors\n" else print "Auditor found errors - check log for details\n" end exit(ret) end def normalise_and_sort(f, prefix, pid, working, pp) parsed_file = working+get_name(f)+".#{prefix}.parsed.#{pid}" sorted_file = working+get_name(f)+".#{prefix}.sorted.#{pid}" delete_file(parsed_file) delete_file(sorted_file) new_pid = (fork { pp.normalise_zone_and_add_prepended_names(f, parsed_file) pp.sort(parsed_file, sorted_file) }) return new_pid end def get_name(f) # Return the filename, minus the path a = f.split(File::SEPARATOR) return File::SEPARATOR + a[a.length()-1] end # Given a list of configured zones, and a list of zones_to_audit, return # only those configured zones which are in the list of zones_to_audit. # Ignore a trailing dot. def check_zones_to_audit(zones) # :nodoc: all # If @zone_name is present, then only check that zone if @zone_name zones.each {|z| if (z[0].name != @zone_name) zones.delete(z) end } if (zones.length == 0) KASPAuditor.exit("Can't find #{@zone} zone in zonelist", 1) end if (@signed_temp) # Then, if @signed is also present, then use that name for the # signed zonefile. zones[0][2] = @signed_temp end end end # Try to load the info from the conf.xml file. # Loads syslog facility, working folder and the zonelist file # If Privileges items are specified, then user, groups and chroot are # adjusted accordingly. # Returns a Syslog::Constants value # Returns Syslog::LOG_DAEMON on any error def load_config_xml(conf_file) # :nodoc: all working = "" zonelist = "" kasp = "" begin File.open((conf_file + "").untaint , 'r') {|file| doc = REXML::Document.new(file) begin working = doc.elements['Configuration/Auditor/WorkingDirectory'].text rescue Exception KASPAuditor.exit("Can't read working directory from conf.xml - exiting", 1) end begin zonelist = doc.elements['Configuration/Common/ZoneListFile'].text rescue Exception KASPAuditor.exit("Can't read zonelist location from conf.xml - exiting", 1) end begin kasp = doc.elements['Configuration/Common/PolicyFile'].text rescue Exception KASPAuditor.exit("Can't read KASP policy location from conf.xml - exiting", 1) end load_privileges(doc) begin facility = doc.elements['Configuration/Common/Logging/Syslog/Facility'].text # Now turn the facility string into a Syslog::Constants format.... syslog_facility = eval "Syslog::LOG_" + (facility.upcase+"").untaint return syslog_facility, working, zonelist, kasp rescue Exception => e print "Error reading config : #{e}\n" return Syslog::LOG_DAEMON, working, zonelist,kasp end } rescue Errno::ENOENT KASPAuditor.exit("ERROR - Can't find config file : #{conf_file}", 1) end end def change_uid(uid_text) uid = Etc.getpwnam((uid_text+"").untaint).uid Process::Sys.setuid(uid) end #def change_chroot(dir) # Dir.chroot((dir+"").untaint) #end def change_group(gid_text) gid = Etc.getgrnam((gid_text+"").untaint).gid Process::Sys.setgid(gid) end def load_privileges(doc) # Configuration/Privileges may be overridden by Auditor/Privileges #begin # if (doc.elements['Configuration/Auditor/Privileges/Directory']) # change_chroot(doc.elements['Configuration/Auditor/Privileges/Directory'].text) # elsif (doc.elements['Configuration/Privileges/Directory']) # change_chroot(doc.elements['Configuration/Privileges/Directory'].text) # end #rescue Exception => e # print "Couldn't set Configuration/Privileges/Directory (#{e})\n" #end begin if (doc.elements['Configuration/Auditor/Privileges/User']) change_uid(doc.elements['Configuration/Auditor/Privileges/User'].text) elsif (doc.elements['Configuration/Privileges/User']) change_uid(doc.elements['Configuration/Privileges/User'].text) end rescue Exception => e print "Couldn't set Configuration/Privileges/User (#{e})\n" end begin if (doc.elements['Configuration/Auditor/Privileges/Group']) change_group(doc.elements['Configuration/Auditor/Privileges/Group'].text) elsif (doc.elements['Configuration/Privileges/Group']) change_group(doc.elements['Configuration/Privileges/Group'].text) end rescue Exception => e print "Couldn't set Configuration/Privileges/Group (#{e})\n" end end def delete_file(f) # :nodoc: all begin File.delete(f.untaint) rescue Exception => e # print "Error deleting #{f} : #{e}\n" end end end class KASPTime # :nodoc: all # This allows the test code to frig the system time to use old test data. def KASPTime.get_current_time return Time.now.to_i end end end