#!@RUBY@ -I@opendnsseclibdir@ # # $Id$ require 'kasp_auditor.rb' require 'optparse' require 'ostruct' include KASPAuditor class OptionsParser # # Return a structure describing the options. # def self.parse(args) # The options specified on the command line will be collected in *options*. # We set default values here. path = "@sysconfdir@/opendnssec/".sub("${prefix}", "@prefix@") options = OpenStruct.new options.default_conf_file = path + "conf.xml" options.zone_name = nil options.signed_temp = nil options.daemonize = false opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: kasp_auditor [options]" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Specific options:" # conf.xml opts.on("-c", "--conf [PATH_TO_CONF_FILE]", "Path to OpenDNSSEC configuration file", " (defaults to /etc/opendnssec/conf.xml)") do |ext| options.conf_file = ext end # kasp.xml opts.on("-k", "--kasp [PATH_TO_KASP_FILE]", "Path to KASP policy file", " (defaults to /etc/opendnssec/kasp.xml)") do |ext| options.kasp_file = ext end # zone_name opts.on("-z", "--zone [ZONE_NAME]", "Single zone to audit", " (defaults to audit all zones)") do |ext| options.zone_name = ext end # signed_temp opts.on("-s", "--signed [PATH_TO_SIGNED_FILE]", "If a single zone is specified, then this option may override", " the specified signed file with another. This is for use by", " the signer.", " (defaults to audit all zones)") do |ext| options.signed_temp = ext end # daemonize opts.on("-d", "--daemonize", "Run the auditor as a daemon") do |ext| options.daemonize = true end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Common options:" # No argument, shows at tail. This will print an options summary. # Try it and see! opts.on_tail("-h", "-?", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit end end opts.parse!(args) options end # parse() end runner = Runner.new options = OptionsParser.parse(ARGV) if (options.conf_file) runner.conf_file = options.conf_file else runner.conf_file = options.default_conf_file end if (options.kasp_file) runner.kasp_file = options.kasp_file end if (options.zone_name) runner.zone_name = options.zone_name if (options.signed_temp) runner.signed_temp = options.signed_temp end end if (options.daemonize) runner.run_as_daemon() else runner.run() end