$Id$ OpenDNSSEC 1.0.0b2 - 2009-10-09 * Added experimental support for RSA/SHA256 and RSA/SHA512 to KASP enforcer and the signer engine. * SignerThreads and KeygenInterval has been deprecated (actually removed just before 1.0.0b1). * Added support for RSA/SHA256 and RSA/SHA512 to libhsm. No API changes. Bugfixes: * Bugreport #33 (#35): Output a signed zone if only the SOA record changed. * Zone fetcher did not start correctly * Create the pid / socket directory if it not yet exists, with the correct privileges. * Signer Engine now catches exception if running with incorrect permission. * TCP-support for LDNS on Solaris is fixed in LDNS trunk. Known issues: * LDNS is having problem with SRV records. The main effect is that these records are given non-valid RRSIGs. This is still under investigation. OpenDNSSEC 1.0.0b1 - 2009-10-02 * tag added to automatically delete keys that have been dead for some interval. * Rename all OpenDNSSEC command line tools and daemons to ods-XXX (e.g. ksmutil becomes ods-ksmutil). * kasp_check command added to check the conf.xml and kasp.xml configuration files for sanity and consistency. * communicated and keygend combined to form "ods-enforcerd". * ksmutil command line changes. Most commands have changed slightly, but there are some significant changes (see http://svn.opendnssec.org/docs/command-tools-syntax.txt for details.) * Enforcer database now has a version number. If it differs from the version number in the code (specified via a #define statement), the software will issue an error message and not connect to the database. * "ksmutil list keys" now displays the keytag if the -l flag is passed to it. * "Emergency Keys" renamed to "Standby Keys" as this better reflects their role in OpenDNSSEC. * The behaviour of SOA Serial value 'counter' has changed according to Ticket #31. * The directory "xml" and been renamed to "conf". (This is part of repository clean.) * There are changes to the KASP DB: * Zone fetcher added, that will do AXFR from the master. If want to use your old database, use the following commands to upgrade: sqlite3 < enforcer/utils/migrate_090922_1.sqlite3 sqlite3 < enforcer/utils/migrate_090930_1.sqlite3 sqlite3 < enforcer/utils/migrate_091002_1.sqlite3 Or, to start a new (with loss of information), remove old keys from the HSM and issue the command: ksmutil setup Bugfixes: * Make sure that parenthesis in zonefiles don't concatenate rdata fields. Known issues: * TCP-support for LDNS on Solaris is currently broken due to an issue with SO_RCVTIMEO. The result is that the zonefetcher doesn't work. No other parts of OpenDNSSEC is affected by this bug. There is currently no workaround. OpenDNSSEC 1.0a5 - 2009-09-21 Features: * support %zonefile expansion in the signer engine NotifyCommand Bugfixes: * Read correctly from the kasp.xml * Correctly discover Empty Non-Terminals when reading input zonefile * Don't error on space-only lines in input zonefile OpenDNSSEC 1.0a4 - 2009-09-10 Features: * warn (by sending a message to the log) about: - impending key rollover - Rollover occurrance - when it is safe to remove a DS record * add export of DNSKEY and DS records to ksmutil * add configure option '--disable-auditor' to disable building the auditor * Added tag to kasp.xml; this allows automatic rollovers to be turned off in a policy for either keytype. * Changes to the KASP DB, please apply: If want to use your old DB: sqlite3 < enforcer/utils/migrate_090901_1.sqlite3 Or start fresh (with loss of information. User should remove old keys from the HSM): ksmutil setup Bugfixes: * "signer_engine_cli clear " dont crash on missing files anymore and removes all internal files now * Bugreport #18, #19: Fix segfault at nseccer, nsec3er or finalizer when handling large zones. * Signer Engine starts correctly (problem was python 2.4, not RHEL5). OpenDNSSEC 1.0a3 - 2009-08-26 Features: * ksmutil import key implemented for importing key ID of existing keys * "hsmspeed" will test the speed of the HSM. * "hsmutil test" will test the HSM against OpenDNSSEC. * Changes to the KASP DB, please apply: If want to use your old DB: sqlite3 < enforcer/utils/migrate_090820_1.sqlite3 Or start fresh (with loss of information. User should remove old keys from the HSM): ksmutil setup Bugfixes: * Better display of null backups (i.e. backup required) in ksmutil list * Don't show historical rollovers in ksmutil list * Fix key counting routines so that they all agree * Missing SQLite includes in the Enforcer Known bugs: * Signer Engine not starting correctly in RHEL5. Use "signer_engine -d" for now * "signer_engine_cli clear " crashes on missing files OpenDNSSEC 1.0a2 - 2009-08-14 Features: * conf.xml format changed * Read the default path to kasp.xml from conf.xml * libksm integrated into enforcer (and no longer installed) * Dropping privileges as specified * Option to specify that a key from a specific repository should not be used if it has not been backed up * ksmutil backup done, to signal that the keys are backed up * KASP Auditor should now function properly * A quick start script is available * XSLT to translate KASP into readable text (HTML) * Changes to the KASP DB, please apply: If want to use your old DB: sqlite3 < enforcer/utils/migrate_090812_1.sqlite3 sqlite3 < enforcer/utils/migrate_090813_1.sqlite3 Or start fresh (with loss of information): ksmutil setup Bugfixes: * Signer Engine can now read standard bind format correctly * make install creates an incorrectly named directory * ksmutil addzone defaults to wrong path * SoftHSM links libsofthsm to build directory * libksm install problem when builddir == srcdir * Missing include of header file in SoftHSM * Text about a problem with Botan on some systems. OpenDNSSEC 1.0a1 - 2009-07-30 * Initial release (aka "Technology Preview")