require 'rexml/document' include REXML require 'xsd/datatypes' # This delta (in seconds) gets added each time we move into the future DELTA_OFFSET = 5 def load_keys_for(zone) # Load the Keys element from the zone's signconf file @@current_keys = {} if !@@current_keys @@previous_keys = {} if !@@previous_keys begin"tmp/" + zone+".xml", 'r') {|file| doc = e = doc.elements['SignerConfiguration/Zone/Keys/'] # Store old keys and current keys here if (!@@key_states[zone] || (@@key_states[zone] == {})) load_first_key_states(zone, e) else get_new_key_states(zone, @@current_keys[zone], e) end @@previous_keys[zone] = @@current_keys[zone] @@current_keys[zone]=e print e print_key_states(zone) print run_command("key list --zone #{zone} --verbose") # load_ksmutil_key_list(zone) # @TODO@ DO THIS CHECK!! # check_key_list_output_against_signconf(key_list_text) return e } rescue Errno::ENOENT return false end end def get_offset @@offset end Given /^I issue ds\-seen for all "([^\"]*)" KSKs in "([^\"]*)"$/ do |status, zone| key_list_text = run_command("key list --zone #{zone} --verbose") # Now process the KSKs - key_list_text.each_line {|line| if (line.split()[0] == zone) if (line.split()[1] == "KSK") if ((line.split()[2] == status) && line.index("waiting for ds-seen")) cka_id = line.split()[line.split().length - 3] print "Sending ds-seen for #{cka_id}\n" # Send the ds-seen for the key run_command("key ds-seen --zone #{zone} --cka_id #{cka_id}") end end end } end def check_key_list_output_against_signconf(key_list_text) # @TODO@ Check that the output of the key list tallies with the signconf.xml end def print_key_states(zone) # Print out current key_states @@key_states[zone].each {|key, data| print "Key #{key} is in #{data[0]} state, #{data[1]}, type = #{data[2]}\n" } end def load_first_key_states(zone, key_elements) # This is the first time we have run - load in the key states @@key_states[zone] = {} key_elements.elements.each('Key') {|key_element| id = get_cka_id_from_key_element(key_element) state = get_state_from_key_element(key_element) flags = get_flags_from_key_element(key_element) zsk_ksk = "ZSK" if (flags == 257) zsk_ksk= "KSK" end @@key_states[zone][id] = [state, "new", zsk_ksk] } end def get_new_key_states(zone, old_keys, new_keys) @@key_states == {} if !@@key_states @@key_states[zone] = {} if !@@key_states[zone] # @@key_states['Zone1'] = {key1 -> ["active", "new", "KSK"], key2 -> ["retired", "old", "ZSK"]} # Work out new key states!! # Compare last and new keys, and # generate list of keys in zone, along with their current state, and # whether they have newly entered that state. # If any keys have been removed from the zone, then keep them in a "removed" state for one cycle # How do we identify keys? Best to use CKA_ID - otherwise known as "Locator" in SignConf # So, look at each key in key_states, and see how it has changed (or been removed) # If key has not changed, then turn status to "old" - otherwise, to "new" @@key_states[zone].each {|key, data| # If key state is "removed", then remove the key from the list if (data[0] == "removed") @@key_states[zone].delete(key) next end # Find the key in new_keys state = find_state_from_key_element(key, new_keys) if (!state) # If we can't find it, then mark key "removed", "new" @@key_states[zone][key]=["removed", "new", data[2]] next end # Then, work out the current state of the key (need to use old state for this as well) # e.g. is the key retired or prepublished? if (state == "prepublished") # Should this be retired? if (data[0] != "prepublished") state = "retired" end end # And then update the current key_state # Is this old or new? new_or_old = "new" if (state == @@key_states[zone][key][0]) new_or_old = "old" end @@key_states[zone][key]=[state, new_or_old, data[2]] } # See if there any newly-arrived keys we don't know about yet check_for_new_keys(zone, new_keys) end def check_for_new_keys(zone, new_keys) # If any keys are in new_keys that are not in old_keys, then process them too # Go through new_keys, and look at any which we can't find in @@key_states[zone] new_keys.elements.each('Key') { |key| cka_id = get_cka_id_from_key_element(key) if ((!(@@key_states[zone][cka_id])) || @@key_states[zone][cka_id] == []) # Add the key as "new" in the relevant state state = get_state_from_key_element(key) flags = get_flags_from_key_element(key) zsk_ksk = "ZSK" if (flags == 257) zsk_ksk= "KSK" end if (state != "prepublished") && (flags == 256) # It is an error to see a new ZSK in any state other than prepublished # (UNLESS this is the first run of the enforcer!) - which it will never be in this method raise"Should never see new ZSK in any state other than prepublished") end @@key_states[zone][cka_id] = [state, "new", zsk_ksk] end } end def find_state_from_key_element(key, new_keys) new_keys.elements.each('Key') {|k| cka_id = get_cka_id_from_key_element(k) if (cka_id == key) # Found it - return the current state return get_state_from_key_element(k) end } return false end def get_flags_from_key_element(key) # Return the flags key.elements.each("Flags") {|f| return f.text.to_i } end def get_state_from_key_element(key) # Return the state ("prepublished", "active") element # Can only tell "retired" by comparing to previous state! ["ZSK", "KSK"].each {|zk| key.elements.each(zk) {|l| return "active" } } key.elements.each("Publish") {|l| return "prepublished" } return "removed" end def get_cka_id_from_key_element(key) # Return the Locator element key.elements.each("Locator") {|l| return l.text } end Given /^a clean DB setup$/ do Given "a new KASP database" # There is a need to keep track of the last set of keys seen in the signconf @@previous_keys = {} @@key_states = {} @@current_keys = {} @@offset = 0 @@start_time = + get_offset @@last_time = + get_offset set_enforcer_timeshift( end Then /^I should see (\d+) (\w+) (\w+) (\w+) keys in the "([^\"]*)" signconf$/ do |num, new_old, keystatus, zsk_ksk, zone| count = 0 @@key_states[zone].each {|key, data| # print "Checking #{data[0]} against #{keystatus}, #{data[1]} against #{new_old}, #{data[2]} against #{zsk_ksk}\n" if (data[2] == zsk_ksk) # We have the right type of key for the right zone. # Is it in the right state? if (data[0] == keystatus) # Yep - has it been that way for the right time? if (data[1] == new_old) count += 1 end end end } count.should == num.to_i end Then /^I should not see keys in the "([^\"]*)" signconf$/ do |zone| keys = load_keys_for(zone) keys.should == false end def decode_time_interval(amount, units) amount = amount.to_i ret = amount ret = case units when "seconds" then amount when "second" then amount when "minutes" then amount * 60 when "minute" then amount * 60 when "hours" then amount * 3600 when "hours" then amount * 3600 when "days" then amount * 24 * 2600 when "day" then amount * 24 * 2600 when "week" then amount * 7 * 24 * 3600 when "weeks" then amount * 7 * 24 * 3600 when "month" then amount * 31 * 24 * 3600 when "months" then amount * 31 * 24 * 3600 when "year" then amount * 365 * 24 * 3600 when "years" then amount * 365 * 24 * 3600 end return ret end Given /^I move (\d+) ([^\"]*) into the ([^\"]*) from the start of the test$/ do |amount, units, direction| # Need to store the last time we were at before moving forward @@last_time = get_enforcer_timeshift timeshift_seconds = decode_time_interval(amount, units) print "Moving #{timeshift_seconds + get_offset} from #{@@start_time}, real time : #{}\n" if (direction == "past") timeshift_seconds = -timeshift_seconds end new_time = + timeshift_seconds + get_offset) set_enforcer_timeshift(new_time) # Given "I run enforcer" end def set_enforcer_timeshift(new_time) ENV['ENFORCER_TIMESHIFT'] = new_time.year.to_s + ("%02d" % new_time.month) + ("%02d" % + ("%02d" % new_time.hour) + ("%02d" % new_time.min) + ("%02d" % new_time.sec) print "Setting time to #{ENV['ENFORCER_TIMESHIFT']}\n" end Then /^the keys should not have changed for "([^\"]*)" or "([^\"]*)", checked at (\d+) ([^\"]*) intervals$/ do |zone1, zone2, amount, units| check_zones_over_time(amount, units, zone1, zone2) end Then /^the keys should not have changed for "([^\"]*)", checked at (\d+) ([^\"]*) intervals$/ do |zone, amount, units| check_zones_over_time(amount, units, zone1) end Then /^the keys should not have changed now for "([^\"]*)"$/ do |zone| check_zones_over_time(1, "second", zone) @@last_time = get_enforcer_timeshift end Then /^the keys should not have changed now for "([^\"]*)" or "([^\"]*)"$/ do |zone1, zone2| check_zones_over_time(1, "second", zone1, zone2) @@last_time = get_enforcer_timeshift end When /^I load new keys for "([^\"]*)"$/ do |zone| load_keys_for(zone) end def check_zones_over_time(*args) # Need to check from end of last check (or start of test) up until 'current' time amount = args[0] units = args[1] delta = decode_time_interval(amount, units) # Move from @@last_time to now in delta increments (@@last_time..get_enforcer_timeshift).step(delta) {|time_to_check| set_enforcer_timeshift( run_enforcer args[2..args.length()].each {|zone| # Then test that the keys haven't changed # @TODO@ Could also check that @@key_states[zone] contains no "new" keys last_keys = @@previous_keys[zone] keys = load_keys_for(zone) if (keys.to_s != last_keys.to_s) print "Time : #{ENV['ENFORCER_TIMESHIFT']}\n" print "Checking #{keys} against #{last_keys}\n" end keys.to_s.should == last_keys.to_s } } end def get_enforcer_timeshift # Returns if ENV['ENFORCER_TIMESHIFT'] is not defined timeshift = ENV['ENFORCER_TIMESHIFT'] # If environment variable not present, then ignore if (timeshift) # Change the time year = timeshift[0,4] mon = timeshift[4,2] day = timeshift[6,2] hour = timeshift[8,2] min = timeshift[10,2] sec = timeshift[12,2] return Time.mktime(year, mon, day, hour, min, sec).to_i end return + get_offset end