# MAKE SURE WE DON'T WIPE MAIN KASP.DB!!!! CONF_XML = " -c c_conf.xml " KSMUTIL_COMMAND = "ods-ksmutil" + CONF_XML ENFORCER_COMMAND = "ods-enforcerd" + CONF_XML + "-1 " def ksmutil(text) system(KSMUTIL_COMMAND + text) end def run_enforcer system(ENFORCER_COMMAND) sleep(2) end Given /^keys are generated for policy "([^\"]*)"$/ do |policy| ksmutil("key generate --interval PT2H --policy \"#{policy}\" >& /dev/null") run_enforcer end Given /^keys are generated$/ do ksmutil("key generate --interval PT2H --policy \"default\" >& /dev/null") run_enforcer end Given /^a new KASP database$/ do # Should remove all temp files : e.g. signconf.xml # Make tmp folder if not already there if !(File.exist?"tmp") FileUtils.mkdir_p("tmp") end system("rm tmp/*") system("cp c_zonelist.base.xml tmp/c_zonelist.xml") system("echo yes | #{KSMUTIL_COMMAND} setup >& /dev/null") end Given /^a new zone "([^\"]*)" with policy "([^\"]*)"$/ do |zone, policy| When "I add a new zone \"#{zone}\" with policy \"#{policy}\"" end Given /^a new zone "([^\"]*)"$/ do |zone| When "I add a new zone \"#{zone}\" with policy \"default\"" end Given /^"([^\"]*)" is issued$/ do |command| ksmutil(command) end When /^I create a new KASP database$/ do Given "I create a new KASP database" end When /^I sleep for (\d+ second)s$/ do |x| sleep(x.to_i) end When /^I run enforcer/ do run_enforcer @@offset += DELTA_OFFSET end When /^I add a new zone "([^\"]*)" with policy "([^\"]*)"$/ do |zone, policy| ksmutil("zone add --zone #{zone} --policy #{policy} --signerconf tmp#{File::SEPARATOR}#{zone}.xml") end Then /^I should see "([^\"]*)" in the "([^\"]*)" output$/ do |text, command| check_command_output(true, text, command) end Then /^I should not see any zones in the KASP database$/ do Then "I should not see \"policy\" in the \"zone list\" output" end Then /^I should not see "([^\"]*)" in the "([^\"]*)" output$/ do |text, command| check_command_output(false, text, command) end def run_command(command) result = %x[#{KSMUTIL_COMMAND} #{command}] return result end def check_command_output(should_see, text, command) # check the output of zone list to see if the zone is there result = run_command(command) if should_see result.should include text else result.should_not include text end end