- Adding NSEC when not signing - Different signature validity for non-denial and denial - Make SignerThreads and WorkerThreads configurable - Don't add NSEC3PARAM when not adding NSEC3 records - Zone is updated, even if only the SOA serial changed - Resigning can fail on certain changes [Bug #46?] - Serial==keep - Proper handling of SIGTERM - Signer Auditor Communication - No warning if socket file creation failed - Usage - Error if sign command has no arguments - Changes to the zonelist will not be noted - Verify output of ods-signer zones - Missing /var/run/opendnssec/ directory after reboot - ods-signer --help is missing options - Give signer engine is not running error - Do an auditor check - Link (static) against libhsm - Sign the tld all. - Drop privileges - Audit the temporary file - clear errors on missing files - Signer Engine not starting properly - SHA-1 - SHA-2 - GOST - Handle file permission errors (unix socket) - No more Denial TTL - Create pid directory if not exists - Don't leave socket file under root permissions - Missing check for XPath in configure.ac - LDNS NSEC bitmap issues - LDNS RR Parsing issues - Allow for a SOA minimum and TTL of 0 - No hardcoded TTLs please - Clear out whitespace after directives - Do not start if already running - Make sure to output a new zone if data has changed (not only signatures) - Multiline parsing issues - DS treated as out-of-zone data - Signer to use all DNSKEY algorithms to sign RRsets - DLV not in NSEC - Zone removed but still in queue - Signer produces empty zone - Unknown RRs with rdlen=0 problem - Signer inserts (null) into signed zone - RRSIG and other DNSSEC RRs does not inherit class - Serial number from internal data, not from signed output file - Threaded RRset Signer - Efficient handling of multiple zones