Configuration Files

CGA-TSIG configuration files can be found in OpenDNSSEC/Conf/ . and addyn.rnc are two files that contain the required parameters for CGA-TSIG

XML Parser

In order to parse the xml configuration file, there are two other files that are needed to accomplish this task

Key Generation

CGA-TSIG uses the cache value stored by the Secure Neighbor Discovery Protocol (SeND) service, but it can also generate the key pair itself. This scenario is applicable with FQDN and other related DNS updates. It is not recommended for use in the authentication of resolver to client or the authentication of root DNS servers in recursive DNS servers.

Signature Generation

The assumption made in this step is that the value that should be signed is available and that it receives this value as an input.

CGA Generation

CGA Generation is a series of functions that can be used to generate CGA in case the node does not support Secure Neighbor Discovery (SeND) and CGA.

General Variables and Functions

Some general functions and variables used in other part of the code.