#!/usr/bin/env perl # send_update.pl # send an update from a simple text file use strict; use Getopt::Std qw(getopts); use Net::DNS; use Net::DNS::SEC; use IO::Handle; *STDOUT->autoflush(); sub send_update; # takes update, returns result sub check_result; # takes result & expected result my $usage = "send_update.pl \tusage: send_update.pl -z -k -u [-p ] [-s ] [-l ] \t(default port is 10053, default server is "; my %options=(); getopts("p:s:k:z:u:l:", \%options); # options with defaults my $MASTER = defined($options{s}) ? $options{s} : ''; my $MASTER_PORT = defined($options{p}) ? $options{p} : 10053; # options without defaults die "missing zone\n $usage" if !defined $options{z}; my $zone = $options{z}; die "missing update file\n $usage" if !defined $options{k}; my $keyfile = $options{k}; die "missing tsig key file\n $usage" if !defined $options{u}; my $updates_file = $options{u}; # options where empty is OK my $log_file = $options{l}; # open keyfile & get secrets my $TSIG_KEY_SECRET; my $TSIG_KEY_NAME; open(my $fh_tsig, "<", $keyfile) or die "failed to open $keyfile"; while (<$fh_tsig>) { chomp (my $line=$_); $TSIG_KEY_NAME = $1 if $line =~ /key\s*\"(.+)\"/; $TSIG_KEY_SECRET = $1 if $line =~ /secret\s*\"(.+)\"/; } close $fh_tsig; die "failed to find name in tsig file \"$keyfile\"" if !$TSIG_KEY_NAME; die "failed to find secret in tsig file \"$keyfile\"" if !$TSIG_KEY_SECRET; # check we can open updates files before we worry about BIND open(my $fh_updates, "<", $updates_file) or die "failed to open $updates_file"; # check BIND is ready my $count_check_named = 0; CHECK_NAMED: { # Set up a resolver object my $SOAres = Net::DNS::Resolver->new() or die "failed to create resolver"; $SOAres->port($MASTER_PORT); $SOAres->nameservers($MASTER); $SOAres->debug(1); $SOAres->recurse(0); # No recursion $SOAres->usevc(1); # message if we had to wait' print "waiting for bind...\n" if $count_check_named; my $SOApacket = $SOAres->query($zone, 'SOA'); last CHECK_NAMED if $SOApacket; sleep 1; redo CHECK_NAMED if ++$count_check_named; ## couldn't talk to it system ("./run_bind.sh stop"); die "unable to connect to BIND\n"; } print "bind ready\n" if $count_check_named; # Send an update to the zone's primary master. my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new() or die "failed to create resolver"; $res->port($MASTER_PORT); $res->nameservers($MASTER); $res->recurse(0); # No recursion $res->usevc(1); # Force use of TCP instead of UDP my $update; # Our update packet $update = Net::DNS::Update->new($zone) or die "failed to create update"; my $expected_result = "NOERROR"; # overridden by "expect FOO" in script # create update from input file while (my $line = <$fh_updates>) { next if $line =~ /^\s*#/; # comment next if $line =~ /^\s*$/; # blank chomp($line); $line =~ s/#.*$//; # strip comments $line =~ s/\s*$//; # & trailing whitespace # print "line==>$line<==\n"; if ($line =~ /^(rr_add|rr_del)\s+(.*)/) { if ($1 eq "rr_add") { $update->push('update'=>rr_add($2)) or die "failed to add RR \"".$2."\" to update"; } elsif ($1 eq "rr_del") { $update->push('update'=>rr_del($2)) or die "failed to remove RR \"".$2."\" to update"; } else { die "expected update rr_add or rr_del"; } } elsif ($line =~ /^expect\s+(\S+)$/) { $expected_result = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /^send_update/) { # send the update now my $result = send_update ($update); # & check the result check_result ($result, $expected_result); # reset $update = Net::DNS::Update->new($zone) or die "failed to create update"; $expected_result = "NOERROR"; } else { die "expected update rr_add or rr_del"; } } close $fh_updates; # send any remaining updates i.e. don't bother sending empty if (scalar $update->authority() > 0) { # send the update now my $result = send_update ($update); # & check the result check_result ($result, $expected_result); } # done exit 0; sub check_result() { my ($result, $expected_result) = @_; # check result: by default we expect NOERROR but this can be overridden in input file if (!$result) { print "no reply\n"; # BIND disappeared? exit 2; } elsif($result eq $expected_result) { # OK return; } else { print "error: we expected \"$expected_result\"\n"; exit 1; } } sub send_update() { my $update = shift; # sign the update $update->sign_tsig($TSIG_KEY_NAME, $TSIG_KEY_SECRET) or die "failed to sign"; # dump if requested if (defined $log_file) { # print "dumping to log $log_file\n"; open (my $fh_log, ">>", $log_file) or die "failed to write \"$log_file\""; print {$fh_log} "update sent==>\n"; print {$fh_log} $update->string; close $fh_log; } # send the update my $reply = $res->send($update); # check response if ($reply) { # dump reply if requested if (defined $log_file) { open (my $fh_log, ">>", $log_file) or die "failed to write \"$log_file\""; print {$fh_log} "\nreply received==>\n"; print {$fh_log} $reply->string; close $fh_log; } print $reply->header->rcode."\n"; return $reply->header->rcode; } else { return undef; } }